what makes a gyaru? part 1
Okay buckle up, this is gonna be a LONG post! The next two entries are all about the essential elements that, all together, make a pretty complete gyaru package 💖 There's always going to be more that you can do to amplify your gal energy, but these entries will focus on the most consistent things we've seen in the style from start to finish ✨️ First and foremost, recognizably gyaru makeup is the biggest element that makes gal what we know and love! Between Harutamu saying bluntly that it takes makeup to be gyaru, and how incomplete (in regards to gal) Ayutama looks without her face done despite her tan, nails, and hair all in full view vs after... I'm not going to debate that you have to know how to do gyaru makeup to be called a gyaru! Especially outside of Japan, would you assume every tan person with lighter hair is gal? Of course not! The farther we get from the original context of gal, the harder it is to be recognizable as one at a glance 🥲 Gyaru is inherently abou